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Could there be a zip version added? On Steamdeck this game could be run through's launcher. but when you run the game through Itch's launcher, the installer is what runs every time, not the installed game. I could only run the game one time and that's it, and only because the installer asked if I wanted to launch the game at the end of installing.

Games that have a zip option do not have this problem. They run correctly through the launcher. Only games which have no option but an installer run into this problem where they don't run when you try to play them, because the Itch launcher starts the installer every time instead of running the game.

One other suggestion. Please have a button on the select scroll/weapon screen to exit without taking an item. I know that escape exits the screen, but I have died multiple times from using escape to leave because I didn't get my fingers back onto wasd quick enough. There needs to be a way to exit that screen without taking your fingers away from wasd if you don't want to take any of the items offered.

Thanks for the feedback and suggestion! I've added a zip download and added a UI element to exit from sponsor menus :))